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Leading Lawyers Network

Laird M. Ozmon has been helping injured people and their families find justice for nearly 25 years. His firm, the Law Offices of Laird M. Ozmon, Ltd., focuses solely on cases of personal injury, medical malpractice, wrongful death, and product liability.

Laird M. Ozmon

Among the success stories of Mr. Ozmon has helped write for his clients: $12 million compensatory and punitive damage award for a man whose hand was nearly severed by a power saw and $8 million recovered for a former firefighter who was mistakenly diagnosed with asthma during a routine physical.

Mr. Ozmon is a past president of the Illinois Trial Lawyers Association, a governor from Illinois to the American Trial Lawyers Association, a past assemblyman to the Illinois State Bar Association, an inducted member of the Society of Trial Lawyers and the American Board of Trial Advocates, and one of the top 5 percent of all lawyers as recommended by his peers to Leading Lawyers Network.

Mr. Ozmon was elected this year to his fourth consecutive term on the executive committee of the American Association for Justice, formerly known as the American Trial Lawyers Association. He was also appointed to the association’s National Finance Counsel, and he received its Distinguished Service Award for 2009. In addition, he co-authored the chapter “Trial Tactics in Medical Malpractice” for the Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education, 1989-92.

In December, 2005, he was appointed by Justice Thomas Kilbride to the Illinois Supreme Court Committee on Jury Instructions in Civil Cases. For nine years, he will represent the Third Judicial District on the 21-member committee.

It is that experience, sophistication, and commitment that helps Mr. Ozmon help his clients.